NATURE'S MIST®/Out of OregonTM


NATURE'S MIST® and Aging

NATURE'S MIST® natural spring water is the only water sold on the world market that provides the daily moisture for dry skin and dry eyes to slow the appearance of aging.

Company research and numerous testimonials verify that when NATURE'S MIST® is applied to dry skin on a daily basis, as part of a regular skin care program, the skin appears thicker and more supple, natural color improves; blemishes, age spots are lightened, facial lines (laugh lines) are softened and wrinkles become less obvious. The appearance of aging is diminished in the face and skin health is improved.

NATURE'S MIST® is marketed by the world's only bottled water company whose sole business and reason for being is specializing in water for the human skin.

Tammy enjoying NATURE'S MIST<SUP>®</SUP>.
Tammy, 57, has been using
for several years.
Aging from birth.

Aging and water loss are irrevocably connected. Think about it: In spring, when moisture is abundant, the grass is green and the flowers radiate with the vivid hues of the rainbow. The soft, supple new life grows rapidly. By midsummer, the grass has largely stopped growing and the dying flowers begin to stiffen and lose color. The drier the summer, the sooner this occurs. The wetter the summer, the longer the blush and suppleness of youth remain.

From the moment of birth, the human body begins to physically age. Also from the moment of birth, water...without which life on Earth cannot survive...tries to evaporate out of the body due to chemistry and environmental stresses. Skin and body constantly struggle to retain precious moisture. When moisture is lost daily from the skin, no matter what your age, color fades, age spots appear. The skin appears thin, dry, wrinkled and becomes increasingly susceptible to challenges such as bruising, adult acne and melanoma (See "Skin Functioning and Dehydration"). This chronic dehydration is responsible for what we call "the appearance of aging".

    From the very first microorganism to the present, water has been the essential nutrient for all life. But in our polluted, technological world, some waters can be harmful. Any water that goes on or into you body should be a "living water"; a free-flowing, unadulterated, pH-correct water from nature that will benefit your skin's circulation, oil/moisture balance (improve oily skin) and acid mantle protection barrier and won't leave a residue of dehydrating minerals. A water like NATURE'S MIST®.

While the skin's moisture needs differ among individuals, the greatest skin care gift a person can give their skin, whether they have dry skin or not, is abundant natural, pure, pH-correct water. This means drinking eight to 12 glasses of water a day for internal moisturization. For external moisturization, it means allowing your skin to and eyes drink frequently from the natural mist of NATURE'S MIST® spring water, the only water analysis on the world market pH-correct for human skin. NATURE'S MIST® natural spring water moisturizer product, for dry skin, dry eyes and dry mouth.

    NATURE'S MIST® and facial lines.

    When your skin, especially the skin of your face, loses moisture though the surface on a daily basis, a number of changes begin to emerge:

  1. The walls of the minute capillaries in the skin's lower "dermis" become thinner, restricting blood flow, causing thinning skin and making your skin appear pale. By penetrating to the skin's lowest layers, NATURE'S MIST® spring water moisturizer product rejuvenates capillaries and improves blood flow and natural color.

  2. The skin loses flexibility, eventually resulting in the appearance of fine facial lines (laugh lines), in the face and elsewhere. As part of a daily skin care program, NATURE'S MIST® restores flexibility so the skin looks thicker and healthier. Aging lines, facial lines and laugh lines are less obvious.

  3. The pH balance of the skin's acid mantle protection barrier may be thrown off, diminishing resistance to infection and certain types of pollution. Because NATURE'S MIST® spring water has a pH balance compatible with the acid mantle, the water can both penetrate and improve the barrier.

  4. The skin becomes increasingly prone to such changes as enlarged pores and melanin concentrations (age spots and blemishes). The Founder's research has documented that NATURE'S MIST® benefits skin health and can diminish age spots and blemishes.

  5. The skin's dermis and epidermis become thinner, lessening resistance to bruising and sunburn. By penetrating to the skin's deepest layer with a mild, pH correct water analysis; rather than merely water-logging skin, NATURE'S MIST® plumps thinning skin with a beneficial, lasting application. This has been proven through independent research.

  6. Your skin's oil/moisture balance, which lubricates the skin and helps retain moisture, can be thrown off, resulting in oily skin. Skin with an inadequate moisture balance is often pale, dry-looking, flaky and prone to rashes, infections, blemishes and age spots. By naturally moisturizing the skin, NATURE'S MIST® spring water benefits the skin's delicate oil/moisture balance and improves oily skin.

  7. Chronic dry eye and dry mouth are also symptoms of daily dehydration. Research has shown that daily application of NATURE'S MIST® natural moisturizer can significantly benefit these conditions and improve health and wellness.

  8. Chronic skin dehydration not only hastens the appearance of aging, it can cause many other problems, such as dermatitis, adult acne and melanoma.

(Note: The company has documentation on file for all of the above benefits of NATURE'S MIST® spring water and can provide them on request.)

We all must face the aging process. The solution to aging-related skin changes is simple: For health and wellness, replace lost skin moisture on a daily basis with a pure, non-drying, pH-correct natural living water applied as a fine mist for best absorption. NATURE'S MIST® spring water from Oregon is the only water on the world market which specializes in this analysis. The earlier in life this daily moisture replacement starts, the longer the appearance of aging can be delayed (although there is much variation among individuals).

      Make NATURE'S MIST® a part of your daily skin care program. NATURE'S MIST® is compatible with all other skin care products and should be used prior to all other skin care products.

The earlier in life this daily moisture replacement starts, the longer the aging appearance can be delayed (although there is much variation among individuals).

"NATURE'S MIST® - The Face of the Water™."

If you have any questions or would like more information, click here

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Or call 1-800-FOR-MIST 24 Hours a day

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