NATURE'S MIST®, Sports, Recreation and Exercise.

Earth's spa-in-a-bottle for dry skin and dry eyes.

A breakthrough natural moisturizer. Instantly replaces lost moisture from exercise and weather conditions. Refreshes dry skin, burning and dry eyes, and dry mouth.

sports outdoor
NATURE'S MIST®/Out of OregonTM

NATURE'S MIST® and Sports.

As your body perspires, it loses moisture and deposits dehydrating (drying) and irritating salts on your skin and in your eyes. NATURE'S MIST® following exercise, sports and recreational activities helps replenish lost moisture in skin and eyes and relaxes your skin, lessening fatigue and shortening recovery time.
Research into the sports medicine benefits of NATURE'S MIST® natural moisturizing mist shows that the product is beneficial following activities which involve or may result in:

  • Heavy perspiration and sweating (running, boxing, wrestling, basketball, football, tennis, soccer, aerobics, weight lifting, saunas, mineral baths).
  • Prolonged sun exposure (hiking, surfing, water-skiing, horseback riding, baseball, mountain biking, outdoor sports, outdoor recreation).
  • Prolonged wind exposure (snow-boarding, skiing, motorcycling, mountaineering).
  • Exposure to chlorinated or saline water (swimming in pool or ocean, mineral baths).
  • Exposure to toxic plants and insects (hiking, orienteering, mountaineering).
  • Eyestrain and irritation (skiing, sailing, pleasure driving, surfing the Internet).
  • Chafing, chapped lips, chapped hands, chapped face, rashes and irritation from sports wear, helmets, pads, poison oak, poison ivy, weather conditions, etc.
  • Sports related conditions such as athlete's foot, jock itch, chapped lips, dry mouth, prickly heat and sunburn.
Del Sato, Martial Arts Expert.

Customers who are athletes, sports, outdoors or physical fitness enthusiasts, report that NATURE'S MIST® not only increases their skin's resistance to sunburn, windburn and chapping (not to mention poison oak and poison ivy) but that the product helps these conditions heal faster. Healthy, properly hydrated skin is more resistant to bacterial infection and rashes and may be more resistant to insect stings and bites. NATURE'S MIST® also helps sunscreen or sun block work better.

Saunas, spas, steam baths and mineral baths are therapeutic because they draw toxins out of your skin and body. NATURE'S MIST® makes these treatments more effective by lessening their dehydrating side-effects. Steam baths and sweats draw out toxins by making you perspire, dehydrating (drying) your skin in the process. Salt and calcite, the most common minerals in mineral baths, also draw out toxins and can also cause dehydration.

We advise that you:
  1. Avoid alcohol during any of the above activities.
  2. Shower immediately after to wash off any perspiration and other toxic residue which can cause dehydration.
  3. Replenish your body's water as quickly as possible both by misting with NATURE'S MIST® and by drinking plenty of fresh, natural water.

If you have any questions or would like more information, click here

To order NATURE'S MIST, click here

Or call 1-800-FOR-MIST 24 Hours a day

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